Tuesday, 26 October 2010

What is NDM-1?超级细菌是什么?

NDM-1 Means New-Delhi Metallo Betalactamase.

NDM-1, which stands for New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1 is a gene (DNA code) carried by some bacteria. If a bacteria strain carries the NDM-1 gene it is resistant to nearly all antibiotics, including carbapenem antibiotics - also known as antibiotics of last resort.

The DNA code can easily jump from one bacteria strain to another through horizontal gene transfer. IF NDM-1 jumps to an already antibiotic-resistant bacterium, there is a risk of seriously dangerous infections which would spread rapidly from human-to-human. These infections might be untreatable.

How untreatable is this superbug?

So far, doctors in the UK have managed to fight these infections with a combination of several different medications. However, scientists have detected some bacterial strains that are resistant to ALL antibiotics.

The only way to currently combat the spread of NDM-1 is through surveillance, prompt identification and isolation of infected patients, disinfecting hospital equipment, and thorough hand-hygiene procedures in hospitals. This is going to be a challenge and will require international cooperation.

"超级病菌是一种耐药性细菌 这种超级病菌能在人身上造成浓疮和毒疱,甚至逐渐让人的肌肉坏死。更可怕的是,抗生素药物对它不起作用,病人会因为感染而引起可怕的炎症,高烧、痉挛、昏迷直到最后死亡。这种病菌的可怕之处并不在于它对人的杀伤力,而是它对普通杀菌药物——抗生素的抵抗能力,对这种病菌,人们几乎无药可用。2010年,英国媒体爆出:南亚发现新型超级病菌NDM-1,抗药性极强可全球蔓延。

人们致力寻求一种战胜超级病菌的新药物,但一直没有奏效。不仅如此,随着全世界对抗生素滥用逐渐达成共识,抗生素的地位和作用受到怀疑的同时,也遭到了严格的管理。在病菌蔓延的同时,抗生素的研究和发展却渐渐停滞下来。失去抗生素这个曾经有力的武器,人们开始从过去简陋的治病方式重新寻找对抗疾病灵感。找到一种健康和自然的疗法,用人类自身免疫来抵御超级病菌的进攻,成为许多人对疾病的新共识。"edited from Baidu.com

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