Tuesday 26 October 2010

What is NDM-1?超级细菌是什么?

NDM-1 Means New-Delhi Metallo Betalactamase.

NDM-1, which stands for New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1 is a gene (DNA code) carried by some bacteria. If a bacteria strain carries the NDM-1 gene it is resistant to nearly all antibiotics, including carbapenem antibiotics - also known as antibiotics of last resort.

The DNA code can easily jump from one bacteria strain to another through horizontal gene transfer. IF NDM-1 jumps to an already antibiotic-resistant bacterium, there is a risk of seriously dangerous infections which would spread rapidly from human-to-human. These infections might be untreatable.

How untreatable is this superbug?

So far, doctors in the UK have managed to fight these infections with a combination of several different medications. However, scientists have detected some bacterial strains that are resistant to ALL antibiotics.

The only way to currently combat the spread of NDM-1 is through surveillance, prompt identification and isolation of infected patients, disinfecting hospital equipment, and thorough hand-hygiene procedures in hospitals. This is going to be a challenge and will require international cooperation.

"超级病菌是一种耐药性细菌 这种超级病菌能在人身上造成浓疮和毒疱,甚至逐渐让人的肌肉坏死。更可怕的是,抗生素药物对它不起作用,病人会因为感染而引起可怕的炎症,高烧、痉挛、昏迷直到最后死亡。这种病菌的可怕之处并不在于它对人的杀伤力,而是它对普通杀菌药物——抗生素的抵抗能力,对这种病菌,人们几乎无药可用。2010年,英国媒体爆出:南亚发现新型超级病菌NDM-1,抗药性极强可全球蔓延。

人们致力寻求一种战胜超级病菌的新药物,但一直没有奏效。不仅如此,随着全世界对抗生素滥用逐渐达成共识,抗生素的地位和作用受到怀疑的同时,也遭到了严格的管理。在病菌蔓延的同时,抗生素的研究和发展却渐渐停滞下来。失去抗生素这个曾经有力的武器,人们开始从过去简陋的治病方式重新寻找对抗疾病灵感。找到一种健康和自然的疗法,用人类自身免疫来抵御超级病菌的进攻,成为许多人对疾病的新共识。"edited from Baidu.com

Do you agree Captive Breeding for Swiflets?

My view from the point of research and observations.

Swiflets need a lot of body movement,that explain why birds fly out early in the morning and return at 8 pm. The high antioxidant level in their blood comfortably allow them to do so.
Captive Breeding is the reverse. Birds flying within a constraint space, which restraint oxygen intake for metablism. Birds were fatter.

Swiflets feed on more than 26 type of insects.
Captive Breeding only feed on prepared insects which is not substantial for health.

Swiflets flying high up above sea level( about 2000m to 4000m ). The ozone level do help in sterilizing the body.
Captive Breeding only allows small space of movement without sterilization space.

Swiflets only flying within their own colony without mixing with other birds.
Captive Breeding has close contact with human. The transmit of disease is possible from human to birds.

No Successful Captive Breeding cases till now even the projects started 7 or more years ago.

Conclusion: Captive Breeding for Swiflets is not advisable.

Monday 25 October 2010

Do you know why swiflets like to play above the surface of water?

Do you know why swiflets like to play above water surface during early morning?

1, Most of the swiflets hatched eggs at night, they have to soak their body to cool their body.
2. Eggs must cool with water intermittently so as not to stick to the body of the mother bird.
3. Drink water
4. Catch some flies on the water surface.


High Cadmium content in Rencan, High Sodium Nitrite content in Birdnest.

Today Sinchiewjitpoh news.

China discovered unethical business man used So2 or So3 or Sulphur gas to bleach Rencan(人参).

We have some business man who used ammonia gas to change the edible birdnest into red colour which contained high volume of sodium nitrite which is very toxic for consumption.

Be careful of what you eat....

Emphasis on research

Emphasis on research

Is 90' house nest good?

We have 180', 135' and 90' nest.

Is it advisable to have 90' nest?

In our recent visit to various bird's house, we noticed that,the fatality rate is high when there is a lot of 90' nest. Further to our investigation, due to lack of space for extension of wings during stretching, the possiblity of through out one is high. Maybe we probably should not have 90' plank in our bird's house.

Sunday 10 October 2010




燕窝的功效可以护肤养颜,令皮肤滑润洁白,减少脸部皱纹,清除暗疮。补血活血,去瘀生新,对妇女经期不适、经痛、月经过多有良好疗效。产后服用可促进子宫及体型复原 科学家研究发现,燕窝中就含有一种非常重要的多肽类激素——表皮生长因子,在人体内有多种重要的生理功能,如抑制胃酸的分泌、保护十二指肠等。

Thursday 7 October 2010

What Is Proximate Analysis For Pureness Birdnest.?

Long time ago, where sophisticated equipments were scare, scientists used a simple method named Proximate Analysis of Food to determine the estimation components and fraction of food. It is easier and faster to obtain result without delay.

The Proximate Analysis of Raw Cleaned Edible Birdnest included Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat, Moisture, Ash and Fat. Result obtained are as follow:-
(James, 1995).

Bird Nest's Content

Ash 0.5 – 0.7 %

Fibre 0.5 – 0.7 %

Protein 56.7 – 63.5 %

Fats 0.5 – 1 %

Moisture +-10 %

Carbohydrate 20.1 – 25.7 %

Monday 4 October 2010

How to Determine Protein Content in Edible Bird's Nest?

According to James (1995), approximately 0.8-1.2 g of food was accurately weighed and transferred to a digestion tube. Two Kjeldahl tablets and concentrated sulphuric acid from an automatic dispenser were added. The tube was placed in the preheated digester at 420 0C for about 30 minutes until a clear solution is obtained.

After digestion, the tubes were removed from the digester, cooled and diluted with water. The tube with the digested and diluted sample was placed in the distillation unit. A conical flask containing 25 ml of boric acid (containing indicator) was placed under the condenser outlet. The alkali (25 ml of 40% NaOH) was dispensed and distilled for 4 minutes. The ammonium borate solution formed was titrated with 0.1M sulphuric acid to a purplish-grey end-point.

Using 0.1M sulphuric acid for titration

% Nitrogen content = 0.14 x A divided by
weight of food in grams
Where A = volume (ml) of 0.1M sulphuric acid used in the titration.

% Protein = % Nitrogen x 100 divided by
% Nitrogen in protein

How to Determine Carbohydrates Content In Edible Bird's Nest

How to Determine The carbohydrates content of raw cleaned bird's nest?

The carbohydrate content of edible bird's nest was determined by difference method adapted from James (1995). This involved obtaining the available carbohydrate content by calculation having estimated all the other fractions by proximate analysis, then by applying the formula:

% Available carbohydrates = 100 – (%moisture + %ash + %fat + %protein + %fibre)