Wednesday, 29 September 2010








急性中毒原因  1.将亚硝酸盐误作食盐、面碱等食用。

亚硝酸盐中毒症状  1.头痛、头晕、无力、胸闷、气短、心悸、恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻及口唇、指甲、全身皮肤、粘膜紫绀等

  3.摇匀后在氧气或空气中振摇15分钟,若恢复为鲜红 色则表明原蓝紫色是低铁血红蛋白被氧化所致。



测定准备  对大型抢救,医护人员首先要做到的一点是沉着冷静,切忌慌中出错。
  品 名 限量标准mg/kg 品 名 限量标准mg/kg
  食盐(精盐)、牛乳粉 ≤2 香肠(腊肠)香肚、酱腌菜、广式腊 肉 ≤20
  鲜肉类、鲜鱼类、粮食 ≤3 肉制品、火腿,肠、灌肠类 ≤30
  蔬菜 ≤4 其他肉类罐头、其他腌制罐头 ≤50
  婴儿配方乳粉、鲜蛋类 ≤5 西式蒸煮、烟熏火腿及罐头、西式火腿罐头 ≤70

  常温避光保存 有效期18个月,生产日期见包装。
  亚硝酸盐快速检测管 使用说明:
  方法原理:按照国标GB/T 5009.33做成的速测管,与标准色卡比较定量。

1. 食盐中亚硝酸盐的快速检测及食盐与亚硝酸盐的快速鉴别:用袋内附带小勺取食盐1平勺,加入到检测管中,加入蒸馏水或纯净水至1ml刻度处,盖上盖,将固体部分摇溶,10分钟后与标准色板对比,该色板上的数值乘上10即为食盐中亚硝酸盐的含量mg/ kg,(国标规定食盐(精盐)中亚硝酸盐的限量卫生标准应≤2 mg/kg)。当样品出现血红色且有沉淀产生或很快退色变成黄色时,可判定亚硝酸盐含量相当高,或样品本身就是亚硝酸盐。

2. 液体样品检测:直接取澄清液体样品1ml加入到检测管中,盖上盖,将试剂摇溶,10分钟后与标准色板对比,找出与检测管中溶液颜色相同的色阶,

亚硝酸盐检测该色阶上的数值即为样品中亚硝酸盐的含量mg/L(以NaNO2计)。(牛乳及豆浆也可直接检测,结果不得超过0.25mg/L ,有颜色的液体样品可加入一些活性炭脱色过滤后测定)。
3. 固体或半固体样品检测:取粉碎均匀的样品1.0g或1.0ml至10ml比色管中,加蒸馏水或去离子水(纯净水)至刻度,充分震摇后放置,

取上清液(或过滤或离心得到的上清液)1.0ml加入到检测管中,盖上盖,将试剂摇溶,10分钟后与标准色板对比,该色板上的数值乘上10即为样品中亚硝酸盐的含量mg/ kg,L(以NaNO2计)。如果测试结果超出色板上的最高值,可定量稀释后测定,并在计算结果时乘上稀释倍数(如从10ml比色管中取出1.0mL转入另一支10ml比色管中,加水至刻度,从中取1.0mL加入到检测管中测定,测试结果乘上100(倍稀释)即为样品中亚硝酸盐的含量。

介绍  某些泌尿系统存在的细菌可以将尿中蛋白质代谢产物硝酸盐还原为亚硝酸盐因此测定尿液中是否存在亚硝酸盐就可以快速间接的知道泌尿系细菌感染的情况作为泌尿系感染的筛查试验
临床意义  亚硝酸盐阳性结果常见于:由大肠杆菌(大肠埃希氏菌)引起的肾盂肾炎其阳性率占到总数的三分之二以上;由大肠埃希菌等







  6、饮食要清淡,先食用容易消化的食物,避免容易刺激胃的食品 。




Monday, 13 September 2010

What is the Permissible Limits of Heavy Metals in Edible Birdnest?

Do you know the permissible limits of heavy metals in edible birdnest?

To answer the question, fisrt must ask where are these heavy metals from?
Heavy metals exist in uncontrolled environment. If you were to spray insecticide in your farms, you will probably contaminated the nests with mercury and lead as pesticide contained these chemicals. If the nests do not clean thoroughly, small amount of arsenic with be detected due to arsenic present in the feather.

The permissible limits of ;mercury 0.5ppm, arsenic 5ppm, copper 150ppm, and lead 20ppm

1 Garis Panduan For Swiftlets Ranching (Final Copy)‏

2009 Feb Gunung Nuang

2009 Feb Gunung Nuang

2008 Dec Bell Mountain, Chiangmai, Chiangrai

2008 Dec Bell Mountain, Chiangmai, Chiangrai

2008 Dec Bell Mountain, Chiangmai, Chiangrai

2008 Dec Bell Mountain, Chiangmai, Chiangrai

Sunday, 12 September 2010

2009 Mar Gunung Arong

2009 Mar Gunung Arong

Tinggi 090711 View From Tg Leman Terminal.jpg

Tinggi 090711 View From Tg Leman Terminal.jpg

How to establish a good practice of cleaning process for edible birdnest EBN?

Do you wonder how to process an edible birdnest? If you have question of knowing the procedure, congratulation to you for your awareness in what you eat.

Practically, birdnest divided into two type;cave nest and house nest.
Cave nests are those nests harvested from the cave within a certain time frame(twice in a year or so), and house nest harvested in the bird premises are periodically(two week once and so on).

What is it so particular about harvesting time?
1. They are a lot of insects and microbes presented in the caves that contaminate the nest.
2. Some cave with rich minerals like iron will oxidised birdest with the present of humidity. The most common phenomenon is to turn the nest into red colour, that is what people used to name them as "blood nest". It fetch high price in the market due to legendary story of it. But would you like to have one in your stomach?(some unwanted ferrous oxide and minerals that is toxic).

So, is the house nest safe?
Yes, if you are a knowledgeable farmer.

Don't ever try to spray insecticide into your "food grade" farm. Insecticide contains mercury and lead, if you apply them into your farm , you are probably induce heavy metals to contaminated your nests.

The best solution now is to clean the farm regularly and applying beneficial microorganism .You may logon to for detail.

What is TPC in Birdnest Analysis Report?

What is TPC?

TPC means Total Plate Count. This test method is to identify numbers of microbes present in the test sample. The microbes tested are E coli, Staplococcus aureus,yeast,mould,Salmonella spp...The minimum quantity of the above microbes are 1.0 x 100000/g.

How is the microbes formed?

Due the the nature of edible birdnest, the rich amino acids propagate microbes to grow with the presence of high humidity of 15%. The numbers grow tremendously overnight, most often than not,you can see black mould form on the cleaned nest. The general practice is to apply preservative to stop the microbes from growing. But applying preservative means apply toxic to our food, will you like to eat something rojak ,expensive and harmful to your health?

We have to look into the birdnest cleaning process to produce the best quality of birdnest. For cleaning process , you may logon to

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Making Cocaine: VC2

Nitrite decomposed by sulfuric acid

MSDS of Sodium Nitrite

MSDS Number: S4466 * * * * * Effective Date: 08/20/08 * * * * * Supercedes: 12/04/05

1. Product Identification
Synonyms: Nitrous acid, sodium salt CAS No.: 7632-00-0 Molecular Weight: 69.00 Chemical Formula: NaNO2 Product Codes: J.T. Baker: 3780, 3782 Mallinckrodt: 7824
2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Ingredient CAS No Percent Hazardous
--------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------

Sodium Nitrite 7632-00-0 97 - 100% Yes

3. Hazards Identification
Emergency Overview -------------------------- DANGER! STRONG OXIDIZER. CONTACT WITH OTHER MATERIAL MAY CAUSE FIRE. HEAT, SHOCK, OR CONTACT WITH OTHER MATERIAL MAY CAUSE FIRE OR EXPLOSIVE DECOMPOSITION. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED, INHALED OR ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. SAF-T-DATA(tm) Ratings (Provided here for your convenience) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health Rating: 2 - Moderate (Poison) Flammability Rating: 0 - None Reactivity Rating: 3 - Severe (Oxidizer) Contact Rating: 2 - Moderate (Life) Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES & SHIELD; LAB COAT & APRON; VENT HOOD; PROPER GLOVES Storage Color Code: Yellow (Reactive) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potential Health Effects ---------------------------------- Inhalation: Toxic. Causes irritation to the respiratory tract and systemic poisoning with symptoms paralleling ingestion. Ingestion: Toxic. Can irritate the mouth, esophagus, stomach, etc. Excessive amounts effect the blood and blood vessels. Signs and symptoms of nitrite poisoning include intense cyanosis, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, collapse, spasms of abdominal pain, rapid heart beat, irregular breathing, coma, convulsions, and death due to circulatory collapse. Estimated lethal dose 1 to 2 grams. Skin Contact: Causes irritation, redness and pain. May be absorbed through the skin causing systemic poisoning; symptoms may parallel ingestion. Eye Contact: Causes irritation, redness, and pain. Chronic Exposure: Repeated exposure through any route may cause symptoms similar to acute toxicity. Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: No information found.
4. First Aid Measures
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention. Ingestion: Induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention. Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately.
5. Fire Fighting Measures
Fire: Not combustible, but substance is a strong oxidizer and its heat of reaction with reducing agents or combustibles may cause ignition. Increases the flammability of any combustible material. Explosion: Contact with oxidizable substances may cause extremely violent combustion. May explode when heated to 537C (1000F) or on severe impact or on contact with cyanides, ammonium salts, cellulose, lithium, potassium plus ammonia, and sodium thiosulfate. Fire Extinguishing Media: Water or water spray in early stages of fire. Foam may also be used, but avoid the use of multi-purpose dry chemical fire extinguishers where contact with sodium nitrite may occur. Water streams may scatter molten material. Special Information: In the event of a fire, wear full protective clothing and NIOSH-approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in the pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Decomposition of sodium nitrite may leave a caustic residue.
6. Accidental Release Measures
Remove all sources of ignition. Ventilate area of leak or spill. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. Spills: Clean up spills in a manner that does not disperse dust into the air. Use non-sparking tools and equipment. Reduce airborne dust and prevent scattering by moistening with water. Pick up spill for recovery or disposal and place in a closed container. US Regulations (CERCLA) require reporting spills and releases to soil, water and air in excess of reportable quantities. The toll free number for the US Coast Guard National Response Center is (800) 424-8802.
7. Handling and Storage
Keep in a tightly closed container, stored in a cool, dry, ventilated area. Protect against physical damage and moisture. Isolate from any source of heat or ignition. Avoid storage on wood floors. Separate from incompatibles, combustibles, organic or other readily oxidizable materials. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (dust, solids); observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product.
8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Airborne Exposure Limits: None established. Ventilation System: A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee exposures as low as possible. Local exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source, preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Please refer to the ACGIH document, Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practices, most recent edition, for details. Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): For conditions of use where exposure to dust or mist is apparent and engineering controls are not feasible, a particulate respirator (NIOSH type N95 or better filters) may be worn. If oil particles (e.g. lubricants, cutting fluids, glycerine, etc.) are present, use a NIOSH type R or P filter. For emergencies or instances where the exposure levels are not known, use a full-face positive-pressure, air-supplied respirator. WARNING: Air-purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Skin Protection: Wear impervious protective clothing, including boots, gloves, lab coat, apron or coveralls, as appropriate, to prevent skin contact. Eye Protection: Use chemical safety goggles and/or full face shield where dusting or splashing of solutions is possible. Maintain eye wash fountain and quick-drench facilities in work area.
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
Appearance: White or yellowish-white crystalline granules. Odor: Odorless. Solubility: 85.2 g/100 g water @ 20C (68F) Density: 2.17 pH: 9.0 Aqueous solution % Volatiles by volume @ 21C (70F): 0 Boiling Point: > 320C (> 608F) Melting Point: 271C (520F) Vapor Density (Air=1): No information found. Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): No information found. Evaporation Rate (BuAc=1): No information found.
10. Stability and Reactivity
Stability: This material is stable in closed containers at room temperature. Material slowly oxidizes to sodium nitrate when exposed to air. Very hygroscopic. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Oxides of nitrogen. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Incompatibilities: Reacts vigorously with reducing materials and is incompatible with many substances including ammonium salts, cellulose, cyanides, lithium, potassium plus ammonia, sodium thiosulfate, aminoguanide salts, butadiene, phthalic acid, phthalic anhydride, reducants, sodium amide, sodium disulphite, sodium thiocyanate, urea, wood and organic matter. Conditions to Avoid: Heat, flame, ignition sources, shock, friction, incompatibles.
11. Toxicological Information
Oral rat LD50: 180 mg/kg; inhalation rat LC50: 5500 ug/m3; irritation: eye rabbit: 500 mg/24H mild. Investigated as a tumorigen, mutagen, reproductive effector. --------\Cancer Lists\------------------------------------------------------
---NTP Carcinogen---
Ingredient Known Anticipated IARC Category
------------------------------------ ----- ----------- -------------
Sodium Nitrite (7632-00-0) No No None
12. Ecological Information
Environmental Fate: No information found. Environmental Toxicity: 96 Hr LC50 rainbow trout (juvenile):0.19 mg/L (flow-through) Dangerous to the environment. Very toxic to aquatic organisms.
13. Disposal Considerations
Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be handled as hazardous waste and sent to a RCRA approved waste facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements.
14. Transport Information
Domestic (Land, D.O.T.) ----------------------- Proper Shipping Name: SODIUM NITRITE Hazard Class: 5.1, 6.1 UN/NA: UN1500 Packing Group: III Information reported for product/size: 12KG International (Water, I.M.O.) ----------------------------- Proper Shipping Name: SODIUM NITRITE Hazard Class: 5.1, 6.1 UN/NA: UN1500 Packing Group: III Information reported for product/size: 12KG
15. Regulatory Information
--------\Chemical Inventory Status - Part 1\---------------------------------
Ingredient TSCA EC Japan Australia
----------------------------------------------- ---- --- ----- ---------
Sodium Nitrite (7632-00-0) Yes Yes Yes Yes

--------\Chemical Inventory Status - Part 2\---------------------------------
Ingredient Korea DSL NDSL Phil.
----------------------------------------------- ----- --- ---- -----
Sodium Nitrite (7632-00-0) Yes Yes No Yes

--------\Federal, State & International Regulations - Part 1\----------------
-SARA 302- ------SARA 313------
Ingredient RQ TPQ List Chemical Catg.
----------------------------------------- --- ----- ---- --------------
Sodium Nitrite (7632-00-0) No No Yes No

--------\Federal, State & International Regulations - Part 2\----------------
Ingredient CERCLA 261.33 8(d)
----------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------
Sodium Nitrite (7632-00-0) 100 No No

Chemical Weapons Convention: No TSCA 12(b): No CDTA: No
SARA 311/312: Acute: Yes Chronic: No Fire: Yes Pressure: No
Reactivity: Yes (Pure / Solid)
Australian Hazchem Code: 1[T] Poison Schedule: S5 WHMIS: This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR.
16. Other Information
NFPA Ratings: Health: 2 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 1 Other: Oxidizer Label Hazard Warning: DANGER! STRONG OXIDIZER. CONTACT WITH OTHER MATERIAL MAY CAUSE FIRE. HEAT, SHOCK, OR CONTACT WITH OTHER MATERIAL MAY CAUSE FIRE OR EXPLOSIVE DECOMPOSITION. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED, INHALED OR ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. Label Precautions: Keep from contact with clothing and other combustible materials.Store in a tightly closed container.Remove and wash contaminated clothing promptly.Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.Avoid breathing dust.Use with adequate ventilation.Wash thoroughly after handling. Label First Aid: If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. In all cases, get medical attention. Product Use: Laboratory Reagent. Revision Information: No Changes. Disclaimer: ************************************************************************************************ Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc. provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material by a properly trained person using this product. Individuals receiving the information must exercise their independent judgment in determining its appropriateness for a particular purpose. MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. ACCORDINGLY, MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS INFORMATION. ************************************************************************************************ Prepared by: Environmental Health & SafetyPhone Number: (314) 654-1600 (U.S.A.)

Chinese Government is serious about sodium nitrite in Edible Birdnest

Recently, Chines government is seriously checking on imported edible birdnest, do you know why?

Due to many cases of chemical analysis by Chinese Authority, they found cases of sodium nitrite in imported edible birdnest,that's why Chinese government is seriously looking into the issues.

Recently many of our Malaysia Exporter of edible birdnest faced rejection by Chinese Government. If the issues were to drag on, we will be seriously facing big problems. Farmers will not be able to recover their investment and prospect is low. We have to find remedy immediately to counter this serious problems.

What exactly is Sodium Nitrite NaNO2? How is it formed?

Sodium nitrite

Molecular Formula: NaNO2

MolecularWeight: 69.00

It is white or light yellow rhombic of monoclinic crystals. It is easily soluble in water and has strong groscopicity.

Uses:As mordant agent, bleaching agent, corrosion inhibitor, antitoxic and analytical agent It also used as chromogen agent, preserving agent in food industry.

Friday, 3 September 2010

How is "sodium nitrite" form in edible birdnest?

Do you know why edible birdnest contains sodium nitrite?

Local university analysis report found that, birdnest contains rich sodium salt. When sodium salt react with nitrogen with the presence of moisture, naturally sodium nitrite is formed. Another method is to use ammonia gas to react with edible birdnest in the presence of high temperature. When Nitrogen particles in the ammonia gas react with sodium , a redish sodium nitrite is formed. That is how the red nest formed.

Is the sodium nitrite toxic or dangerous?

Yes, sodium nitrite is a very oxidative agent, which prevent blood from carrying oxygen to our body. It is reported that it may cause cancer too. The sympton of consumed birdnest is blue lip and pale face....