Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Aerodramus bartschi

James D. Reichel1,†, Charles T. Collins2,4, Derek W. Stinson1,3, and Vicente A. Camacho1

1011 Division of Fish and Wildlife, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Saipan, Mariana Islands, 96950

1022 Department of Biological Sciences, California State University, Long Beach, CA 90840, USA

1033 Current address: Wildlife Program, Endangered Species Section, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 600 Capitol Way N., Olympia, WA 98501, USA

1044 Corresponding author; ccollins@csulb.edu

The Mariana Swiftlet (Aerodramus bartschi) on Saipan lays a single white egg which is incubated for 22.95 days (range 17–30 days). Newly hatched nestlings are naked and weigh 1.11 g (range 1.0– 1.2 g). Nestlings grow slowly, reaching asymptotic weight on day 29 and fledging after 46.8 days (range 40– 55 days). Post-asymptotic weight recession is ±2% and nestlings fledge at slightly above adult weight of 8.01 g. Wing and tail length are >94% of adult size at fledging. Low clutch size, slow chick growth, and extended nestling period are characteristic of other species of swiftlets and may represent food limitation in these diminutive aerial insectivores.

Received: September 25, 2006; Accepted: February 24, 2007

genetic homogeneity of swiflet

Print ISSN: 0289-0003

Current: May 2009 : Volume 26 Issue 5

BioOne Member Since: 2007

Frequency: Monthly

Impact Factor: 1.125

ISI Journal Citation Reports® Rankings:

50/124 - Zoology

Zoological Science 25(4):372-380. 2008
doi: 10.2108/zsj.25.372

Genetic Homogeneity Among Colonies of the White-Nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus) in Thailand
Anchalee Aowphol1,2, Harold Knight Voris3, Kevin Andrew Feldheim4, Pongchai Harnyuttanakorn2, and Kumthorn Thirakhupt1,2,*

1Biological Sciences Program, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand

2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand

3Department of Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605, USA

4Pritzker Laboratory for Molecular Systematics and Evolution, Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605, USA

* Corresponding author. Phone: +66-2-2185259; Fax : +66-2-2185260; E-mail: kumthorn.t@chula.ac.th

The white-nest swiftlet, Aerodramus fuciphagus, originally lived in large colonies in natural caves, but now it also occurs in man-made buildings. We investigated the patterns of genetic differentiation in two mitochondrial DNA genes (cyt-b and ND2) and eight microsatellite loci among and within colonies of A. fuciphagus from across recently established man-made colonies in Thailand. Ten white-nest swiftlet colonies were sampled along the coast of the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea in Thailand during 2003–2006. The genetic diversity of mtDNA was very low, and few significant ΦST values were found between pairs of colonies. Analyses of haplotype relationships did not show genetic structure across the sampled distribution. The level of genetic diversity for microsatellite loci was high, but FST values were not significant. However, due to small sample sizes for some colonies that could limit conclusions on genetic differentiation from ΦST and FST, we also analyzed the microsatellite data using STRUCTURE and found that number of subpopulations of white-nest swiftlets in sampled colonies was one. The lack of genetic differentiation among swiftlet house colonies could be a result of high gene flow between colonies and large population sizes. Our results suggest that A. fuciphagus living in recently established man-made colonies in Thailand should be considered members of a single panmictic population. Future work will be necessary to determine whether this panmixia is stable or a temporary result of the recent explosive expansion of the number of colonies, and comparisons to natural colonies may provide an understanding of mechanisms producing the lack of genetic structure in swiftlet house colonies.

Received: December 12, 2007; Accepted: January 10, 2008

Keywords: Aerodramus fuciphagus, white-nest swiftlet, genetic homogeneity, genetic structure, micro-satellites


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The Detection of Staphylococcus aureus in birdnest

The Detection of Staphylococcus aureus in Swiftlets' Nest
Folia Medica Indonesiana Vol. 266 41 No. 4 October – December 2005
Retno Oktorina*, Soedarmanto Indarjulianto**, Sitarina Widyarini**, Hastari Wuryastuti**, R. Wasito**
A study to detect the presence of Staphylococcus aureus in swiftlets' nest using immunohistochemistry (Streptavidin
biotin Complex) has been successfully done. Tissue and supernatant were made from the nest, and the presence of the
bacteria Staphylococcus aureus was detected by means of immunohistochemical method. As positive control, we used
Staphylococcus aureus culture, while for negative control we replaced Staphylococcus aureus monoclonal antibody
with Phospat Buffer Saline (PBS). The result showed that staining with Staphylococcus aureus monoclonal antibody in
swiftlets' nest tissue revealed the presence of Staphylococcus aureus as a brownish group or cluster, resulting from the
reaction of enzymes and chromogen in Streptavidin Biotin Complex. Based on this study, it can be concluded that
immunohistochemical method (Streptavidin Biotin Complex) can be used to detect the presence of Staphylococcus
aureus in swiftlets' nest.
Keywords: swiftlets' nest, S. aureus, immunohistochemistry
A major challenge for Indonesia is to produce animal
food products which are safe for consumers' health.
Animal food safety is not only the world's issue
(Anonym, 2000), but also every indivual's concern. It is
a consumer's right to have safe animal food. Indonesia is
the largest producer and supplier of swiftlets' nest, with
Hongkong, USA, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Japan,
and UK as the major export destinations (Iswonto,
2002). Playing the role as largest producer, Indonesia
should maintain the aspect of food quality as the main
consideration in trade. Market requirement and product
suitability for consumers should be met by increasing
product acceptability and competitiveness in global
market (Anonym, 2000).
Swiftlets' nest is an exotic or delicate food. In addition
as a delicious serving, it can also be used as material for
medications that improves physical strength (Winarno,
1994; Budiman, 2002; Iswanto, 2002). As in other food
materials, swiftlets' nest may subject to damage
resulting from pesticide residuals, animal drugs, heavy
metals, other contaminants, as well as the growth of
microbes, such as bacteria, virus, yeast, and fungi,
which may cause food-borne disease.
To support the availability of safe food products as the
basic consideration in trade, we need microbial
detection method for swiftlets' nest. In a preliminary
*Animal Quarantine Center, Tanjung Perak, Surabaya
**Gadjah Mada University School of Veterinary
Medicine, Yogyakarta
study, Animal Quarantine Board (Balai Karantina
Hewan) in cooperation with Airlangga University
School of Pharmacy had undergone a test on
Microbiological Quality Control for export swiftlets'
nest in Animal Quarantine Juanda (unpublished data).
The result of this preliminary study, obtained using
rapid test (Oxoid, United Kingdom) and followed with
fertilization in agar media, showed that Staphylococcus
spp was identified in five samples of swiftlets' nest,
while Escherichia coli was identified in one sample.
Salmonella spp and Pseudomonas spp were not found.
Staphylococcus spp is a group of bacteria that plays an
important role in food microbiology, and
Staphylococcus aureus is the prominent bacteria in food
because during its growth the organism can produce
enterotoxin. Ecologically, Staphylococcus aureus is
closely related with human beings. In largest amount of
cooked or salted foods, Staphylococcus aureus can
unceasingly grow until reaching a hazardous level
(Buckle, 1987). Based on this preliminary study, a fast
and accurate method to detect Staphylococcus aureus in
swiftlets' nest was needed. The method that is recently
developing is the use of immunohistochemistry by
means of the principle of specific binding between
antigen and antibody which was visualized through
enzymes and substrates. This method used basic
principles of immunology in tissue or cells.
The Detection of Staphylococcus aureus in Swiftlets' Nest
Folia Medica Indonesiana Vol. 267 41 No. 4 October – December 2005
This study used swiftlets' nest samples ready to be
exported through Juanda Airport. The samples were
processed to make preparations in Veterinary Disease
Inspection Bureau (Balai Penyidikan Penyakit
Veteriner, BPPV) Regional IV Yogyakarta in
accordance with standard procedure of BPPV
laboratory. The swiftlets' nest preparation in paraffin
embedded tissue section was put onto Poly-L-lysin
(SIGMA)-coated glass object. The
immunohistochemical staining used Streptavidin Biotin,
with stages as recommended by Wasito (1997). The
swiftlets' nest preparation was paraffinized by giving (a)
xylene, three times each for 2 minutes, (b) 100%
ethanol, twice each for 2 minutes, (c) 95% ethanol, once
each for 2 minutes, (d) 50% ethanol, each for 2 minutes,
and (e) distilled water, twice each for 2 minutes, and
Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) of 0.01 m with pH 7.1
for 5 - 10 minutes. Subsequently, the preparation was
immersed in H2O2 to remove endogeneous peroxidase,
and incubated in a microwave. The preparation was then
washed with PBS for 10 minutes, and incubated with
blocking serum (V Block) solution for 10 minutes. The
excessive serum was removed from the preparation and
the latter was directly given with primer antibody, i.e.
Staphylococcus aureus monoclonal antibody and
incubated at room temperature for 45 minutes, and
washed with PBS for 10 minutes. Antigen retrieval was
done using citric acid and microwaved for 10 minutes
(Shan et al, 1997). The preparation was incubated with
Biotynilated Secondary Antibody (Lab Vision, USA) at
room temperature for 10 minutes, incubated with
chromogen substrate (Lab Vision, USA) at room
temperature for 15 minutes, washed with distilled water,
and mounted with glycerol to be observed under the
For culture preparation of the isolates of Staphylococcus
aureus and supernatant from swiftlets' nest sample, the
stages of immunohistochemical staining were the same
as those in paraffin-embedded tissue section. The
difference was that in supernatant preparation, the
swiftlets' nest should be paraffinized and washed
directly for 5 minutes, while the rest of the procedures
were all the same. To obtain supernatant preparation, 5
grams of swiftlets' nest sample were finely ground,
added with physiologic NaCl and left overnight.
Subsequently, the preparation was dripped on Poli-Llysine-
coated glass object, and incubated in microwave
for 12 hours and subjected to immunohistochemical
staining using Streptavidin Biotin method (Wasito,
1997). As positive control for this staining method, we
used Staphylococcus aureus colony. Negative control
was made by replacing primary antibody with
Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS).
The objective of this study was to apply
immunohistochemical method by using Streptavidin
Biotin Complex. This technique is a modification of
indirect method, in which one antigen from swiftlets'
nest is bound by antibody in two stages. First, the
primary antibody is directly bound to antigen.
Afterwards, the antibody will be bound to biotinilyzedprimary
antibody. The binding between antigen and
antibody would be visualized by the change of enzymes
and substrates into brownish color (Hoffman, 1996;
Wasito, 1997; Harkow F and Lane, 1999). The
application of immunohistochemical method is
immunohistochemical staining to culture, supernatant,
and swiftlets' net tissue. Immunohistochemically-stained
Staphylococcus aureus culture from the nest revealed
brown precipitation, indicating the binding between
antigen and antibody as visualized through the reaction
of peroxidase and 3,3 diaminobenzidine
tetrahydrochloride (Figure 1). The Staphylococcus
aureus looks grouped or clustered.
Immunohistochemically-stained swiftlets' nest
supernatant showed the presence of antigen
(Staphylococcus aureus) and antibody binding, which
was visualized by the presence of brown precipitation
(Figure 2). This was in line with the basic principle of
chromogen, a marker that can visualize marker
substance at immunocomplex binding in
immunohistochemical staining. In this principle, the
binding between chromogen and peroxide (marker
substance) is visualized brown by using 3,3
diamonobenzidine tetrahydrochloride chromogen
(Baroff and Cook, 1994; Wasito, 1997). The paraffin
embedded tissue section of swiftlets' nest using
Streptavidin Biotin method (Lab Vision, USA) showed
the result of antigen (Staphylococcus aureus) and
antibody binding visualized as having brown color
(Figure 3).
The Detection of Staphylococcus aureus in Swiftlets' Nest
Folia Medica Indonesiana Vol. 268 41 No. 4 October – December 2005
Figure 1. Staphylococcus aureus culture in swiflet’s nest
Figure 2. Staphylococcus aureus supernatant in swiflet’s nest
Figure 3. Swiflet’s nest tissue
The Detection of Staphylococcus aureus in Swiftlets' Nest
Folia Medica Indonesiana Vol. 269 41 No. 4 October – December 2005
Those results showed that immunohistochemical
method using Streptavidin Biotin can be used to detect
Staphylococcus aureus in supernatant and swiftlets' nest
tissue. Previous studies were reported by Cleary et al
(2004), Priambodo (2004) and Tsusumi et al (1991)
who detected bacteria in intestinal epithelium, blood and
urine using immunohistochemical staining. In these
studies the bacteria was apparent in the form of cluster
or clump (bacterial coated antibody).
In culture preparation using immunohistochemical
staining (Streptavidin biotin), the supernatant and
preparation from swiftlets' nest tissue had a brown
color, a result of binding between antigen
(Staphylococcus aureus) and its monoclonal antibody
which was visualized through chromogen substrate in
the colony of the bacteria that formed a group or cluster
(Duguid, 1989).
Immunohistochemical staining can be used to detect the
presence of Staphylococcus aureus in swiftlet's nest.
Anonim, 2000. Petunjuk Teknis Operasional Tindak
Karantina Hewan Untuk Sarang Burung Walet,
Penerbit Proyek Pusat Karantina, Pertanian, Jakarta
Bbckle KA, Edwards RA, Fleet, Wooton M, 1978. Food
Science, translated by Hari Purnomo dan Adiono,
Penerbit Universitas Indonesia
Budiman A, 2002. Memproduksi Sarang Walet Kualitas
Atas, PT. Penebar Swadaya, jakarta
Bancroft JD and Cook HC, 1994. Manual of
histological techniques and their diagnostic
application. Churchill Livingstone, United Kingdom.
Cleary J, Ching Lai L, Robert KS, Stratman IA,
Donnenberg MS, Frankel G, Knutton S, 2004.
Enteropathogenic Esherichia Coli (EPEC) adhesion to
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(BFP), Esp A flamens and intimin. J Microbiology
150, pp. 527-538.
Duguid JP, 1989. Staphylococcus: Cluster Farming
Gram Positive Cocci. In: Collee, JG, Duguid JP,
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Microbiology, 13th ed. Churchill Livingstone,
Edinburgh, London, Melbourne, New York, pp. 305-
Harlow E and Lane, 1999. Using Antibodies, A
Laboratory Manual Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory
Press, New York.
Hofman F, 1996. Immunohistochemistry. In: Current
Protocols in Immunology, John Wiley and sons, Inc.
pp. 5.8.1-5.8.23.
Iswanto H, 2002. Kiat Mengatasi Permasalahan Praktis
Walet, PT Agromedia Pustaka, pp. 41-50.
Priyambodo Y, 2001. Deteksi bakteri Berselubung
Antibodi Dalam Sedimen Air Kemih Dengan Uji
Streptavidin Biotin, Dissertasion, Airlangga
University, Surabaya.
Tsutsumi Y, Kawai K, Nagakura K, 1991. Use of
patients sera for immunoperoxidase demonstration of
infection agents paraffin sections. J Acta Pathol
Japan 41 (9), pp. 673-679.
Wasito, R, 1997 Immunocytochemistry. In: Diagnostic
Pathology : Use of Immunohistochemocal Tecniques
For Detecting Porcine Specific RNA Transmisible
Gastroenteritisvicus In Vivo. Indon. J. Biotech 6, pp.
Winarno, 1994. Sarang Burung Walet, Bahan Hidangan
Eksotis, Bonus Femina (3): 22, Jakarta.E

birdnest management

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Journal Article

Problems in the harvest of edible birds' nests in Sarawak and Sabah, Malaysian Borneo
Journal Biodiversity and Conservation
Publisher Springer Netherlands
ISSN 0960-3115 (Print) 1572-9710 (Online)
Issue Volume 13, Number 12 / November, 2004
DOI 10.1023/B:BIOC.0000047905.79709.7f
Pages 2209-2226
Subject Collection Biomedical and Life Sciences
SpringerLink Date Monday, January 03, 2005
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Problems in the harvest of edible birds'' nests in Sarawak and Sabah, Malaysian Borneo
Joseph J. Hobbs1

(1) Department of Geography, University of Missouri-Columbia, 8, Stewart Hall, Columbia, MO, 65211, USA (e-mail

Abstract Due to the value of their nests, there is great pressure on the populations of black-nest swiftlets (Collocalia maximus) and white-nest swiftlets (Collocalia fuciphagus) in the Malaysian provinces of Sarawak and Sabah. The problems are particularly acute at Gunung Mulu National Park, in spite of a complete ban on collection there, and at Niah National Park, where every participant in a complex collection and trading system has an incentive to take more nests than permitted. More successful harvest systems function in Sabah''s Gomantong and Madai Caves. Recommendations for improved management of the nest harvest include addressing corruption, ensuring that local people with traditional rights to collect nests do not lose income to illegal immigrant labor and to traders, improving research and education about the swiftlets'' behavior and ecology, and moving value-added processing of the nests closer to the caves where they originate and to the people who collect them.
Birds nests - Borneo - Ethnicity and resource access - Malaysia - Poaching - Swiftlets


Joseph J. Hobbs
Email: HobbsJ@missouri.edu
Fax: +1-573-884-4239

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Swiflet Nest Research

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Aerodramus Oberholser, 1906
Taxonomic Serial No.: 178017
Download Aerodramus TSN 178017

Taxonomy and Nomenclature
Kingdom: Animalia
Taxonomic Rank: Genus
Common Name(s): Edible-nest Swiftlets [English]

Taxonomic Status:
Current Standing: valid

Data Quality Indicators:
Record Credibility Rating: verified - standards met
Global Species Completeness: complete
Latest Record Review: 2005

Taxonomic Hierarchy
Kingdom Animalia -- Animal, animals, animaux
Phylum Chordata -- chordates, cordado, cordés
Subphylum Vertebrata -- vertebrado, vertebrates, vertébrés
Class Aves -- Birds, oiseaux
Order Apodiformes -- Hummingbirds, Swifts
Family Apodidae -- Swifts
Subfamily Apodinae
Genus Aerodramus Oberholser, 1906 -- Edible-nest Swiftlets
Direct Children:
Species Aerodramus bartschi (Mearns, 1909) -- Mariana Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus brevirostris (Horsfield, 1840) -- Himalayan Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus elaphrus (Oberholser, 1906) -- Seychelles Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus francicus (Gmelin, 1789) -- Mascarene Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus fuciphagus (Thunberg, 1812) -- Edible-nest Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus hirundinaceus (Stresemann, 1914) -- Mountain Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus infuscatus (Salvadori, 1880) -- Moluccan Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus inquietus (Kittlitz, 1858)
Species Aerodramus leucophaeus (Peale, 1848) -- Tahiti Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus maximus (Hume, 1878) -- Black-nest Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus mearnsi (Oberholser, 1912) -- Philippine Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus nuditarsus (Salomonsen, 1962) -- Bare-legged Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus ocistus (Oberholser, 1906) -- Marquesan Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus orientalis (Mayr, 1935) -- Mayr's Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus papuensis (Rand, 1941) -- Three-toed Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus pelewensis (Mayr, 1935) -- Palau Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus salangana (Streubel, 1848) -- Mossy-nest Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus spodiopygius (Peale, 1848) -- White-rumped Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus terraereginae (E. P. Ramsay, 1875) -- Australian Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus unicolor (Jerdon, 1840) -- Indian Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus vanikorensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) -- Gray Swiftlet, Uniform Swiftlet
Species Aerodramus whiteheadi (Ogilvie-Grant, 1895) -- Whitehead's Swiftlet

Expert: Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
Notes: PO Box 1999 Walla Walla, Washington 99362-0999
Reference for: Aerodramus

Expert: Richard C. Banks
Notes: Chief, Bird Section, U.S.G.S. - B.R.D. - P.W.R.C.
Reference for: Aerodramus

Other Source(s):
Source: NODC Taxonomic Code, database (version 8.0)
Acquired: 1996
Reference for: Aerodramus

Source: Zoonomen - Zoological Nomenclature Resource, 2005.11.05, website (version 05-Nov-05)
Acquired: 2005
Notes: Zoonomen Nomenclatural data maintained by Alan P. Peterson at http://www.zoonomen.net
Reference for: Aerodramus

Author(s)/Editor(s): Banks, R. C., R. W. McDiarmid, A. L. Gardner, and W. C. Starnes
Publication Date: 2003
Article/Chapter Title:
Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.: Checklist of Vertebrates of the United States, the U.S. Territories, and Canada
Publication Place:
Notes: As-yet (2003) unpublished manuscript from 1998
Reference for: Aerodramus

Author(s)/Editor(s): Banks, R. C., R. W. McDiarmid, and A. L. Gardner
Publication Date: 1987
Article/Chapter Title: Checklist of Vertebrates of the United States, the U.S. Territories, and Canada
Journal/Book Name, Vol. No.: Resource Publication, no. 166
Page(s): 79
Publisher: United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service
Publication Place: Washington, D.C., USA
Reference for: Aerodramus, Edible-nest Swiftlets

Geographic Information
Geographic Division:



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